Many times when kids are growing up they come across the dream pet they have always wanted but sadly their parents said no. For kids growing up in the late 90s and early 2000s the solution to this was a tamagotchi. A tamagotchi was basically a virtual pet users would raise from birth and watch them grow up as they play games, have kids, and travel around the tamagotchi world. Today in our technological day in age a gaming app has been developed with a similar plot for not only kids but also those who loving having their own personal companion on the phone. My Talking Tom is a game where players take care of their own cat named Tom ( or whatever name they choose to name him) by doing activities with him like playing games or washing him and ultimately watching him grow up in the app.
My Talking Tom Gameplay/How to Play
This game may seem complicated at first with all the buttons on the side but it is a simple touch and give game with Tom. There are four main activities players can do with Tom: pet/play with him in the living room, feed him in the kitchen with food purchased from the market, let him use the bathroom/shower in the bathroom, and let him sleep in his bedroom (his rest is based on the amount of real time waited) . The way this game works is that each activity has a bar that goes up to 100%.
Players must maintain these four bars as high as possible so that Tom the cat is willing to play games or do other activities. There is also a level bar in the top right corner which goes up and rewards the players as they level up Tom ( more into detail later). A huge aspect of this game is the decorations that surround Tom or that are a part of Tom. As players level up they unlock new wardrobe outfits for Tom like glasses, eye color, hair, pants, fur color. Other vanities unlocked include changing the kitchen table, the bed Tom slept in, the living room, etc.
The way furniture, Tom’s outfits, and other accessories are purchased in this game is by getting coins. Coins are also important so that the player can buy Tom’s food at the market because even though the junk food items can be cheaper they can make Tom a bit overweight. Coins can be purchased through the app store and with this purchase the ads in this game are disabled but they are also other ways in which players can earn coins to buy the accessories they wanted. One of the easiest ways to get coins is by leveling up Tom, as Tom levels up to higher levels he gains more coins (ex. level 5 = 100 coins level 40 = 225 coins).
The best and most efficient way to get coins is by playing minigames. The only way players can play minigames is if Tom is well rested, does not have to use the bathroom, and is happy enough to play. Most of these mini games are very simple famous games that we all have come to know like 2048, connect the dots, Flappy “Tom” ( somehow this dreaded game makes its way into this app), and whack a mole. These games are mostly based on skill so getting higher scores in these games will not only put you up on the leaderboard but it will gives more coins ( I have gotten over 400 coins from a single mini game session). Some bonus coins are given when players give Tom a shower when he is dirty. To tell he is dirty just look at the color of his fur and his surroundings because if he is in need of a shower he will be a light brown color on his fur and there will be a trail of flies flying around him. - See more at:
The last way to gain coins is through visiting friends’ Tom or a random person in the world. This may seem contradictory considering you have to spend 5 coins to search for a person but if you search for a person there will always be a chest in the room with equal or more coins so there is definitely profit to be made from visiting other users in the game.
Level Up Quickly Cheat
There is a huge exploit in this game so that players can level up extremely quickly and possibly even beat the entire game in about a day ( there is no end to the game but most of the last unlocks around around level 110). So if you would like to do this exploit and gain lots of levels it is quite simple and does not require any jailbreak for your apple device. So basically what you do is that whenever you have Tom’s meters at full capacity you go to your settings and set the date an entire day forward or however much time you want depending on what you are trying to do.
Basically once the date is changed most of Tom’s meters will be at 0% so players can gain lots of experience points by letting Tom go to the bathroom, petting him, and going to sleep. Once this is done the player can repeat the process and most of their experience points will come from Tom going to the bathroom or going to sleep and with leveling up they will gain more coins.
My Talking Tom Cheats and Tips
For leveling up I suggest checking back on the app every few hours and getting each bar to 100%, but if you are extremely impatient you can always do the glitch to get to a high level quickly. A huge part to leveling up quickly legit is to buy furniture or clothes for Tom. Looking at the bottom right corner of an item shows a little tag, if it does have one, and these tags are level up multipliers ( ex. item says +.3 then your multiplier would be 1.3). Try to collect as many of these items as possible because they will add up and create so much xp when doing tasks or cheating the level system. I am already at 8.7 multiplier and the best items I would recommend buying are the beds because they cost only 500 coins and give a +0.4 multiplier.
For these pieces of furniture you are going to need a lot of coins but that’s where certain minigames come in that will make your coin earnings skyrocket. I am not sure if this works for everyone because it is personal preference but with the people I have spoken with the best games to play are Connect and 2048. Connect is the easiest game in my opinion because it gives 3 coins for every level beaten and this rate goes up as you go farther in the game like when I reached around 60+ and was earning about +8 coins a round. It all depends on how fast you can be with most of these games but if you are not good practice will get you better and overall these are the simplest games out of the list.
Overview of My Talking Tom
Overall this game is a really fun interactive simulator with man’s best cat friend. It is simple to play and includes a variety of fun little mini games to raise your cat. The only problem I would see with this app is that there are too many ads in between all the fun that is happening. But users should not be surprised if they begin to feel a connection with their companion Tom because this game lets players raise him from birth to adulthood and see a friendship with their virtual pet develop. P.S. the company that made this app has also created a female cat version of the app for the female crowd called My Talking Angela for free as well.
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